Greasy Kulture Magazine, GKM #81
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GKM is published six times a year and features traditionally-styled custom bikes – and yes, occasionally cars – from around the world.
On the cover: Chris Hatton and his completely homebuilt '67 Harley generator Shovel chopper. Radical style from the Welsh valleys!
Inside: You’ll recognise Gucci’s ‘79 FXS Shovel chopper: it’s one of the most iconic builds from Japan + Pete Stansfield’s back with a pre-unit Triumph race bike built to be bashed! + Masa’s ‘79 FXE Shovel from Nagoya is a beautiful, chromed out death-defier + Johnnie Sanders’ ‘66 Shovel-Pan chopper was built with some righteous bay area influence + From Malta, James Ferrugia’s lovely lil’ Enfield Bullet chop... the perfect ride for laidback island life + Garry Stuart’s seen, done and photographed it all in the bike world... we have a chat with him.