Greasy Kulture Magazine, GKM #60
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GKM is published six times a year and features traditionally-styled custom bikes – and yes, occasionally cars – from around the world.
On the cover: Dan Haines' '52 Panhead, shot by Maria Knight; Bill Bryant’s ‘28 Model A... in tribute to his moonshine-running grandpa; Gareth Howell’s ‘38 UL... created one perfect-patina period part at a time; Kevin Gregor’s ‘77 Shovel: living the seventies chopper dream in Germany; Bob Newing’s ‘46 Knuck, Aussie bob-job with some choice period parts; Makoto’s 1947 G80 Matchless: dirt racer for Japan’s rural back roads; Stefano Raggini’s 1948 big inch flathead bob-job from Italy (via Paraguay)...