Greasy Kulture Magazine, GKM #78
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GKM is published six times a year and features traditionally-styled custom bikes – and yes, occasionally cars – from around the world.
On the cover: Jared Weems and his immaculate '52 Triumph Speed Twin, inspired by a Dave Mann painting.
Inside: Dr Sprocket remembers George F. Hood, vintage H-D restorer and friend; Go Tomura from Tokyo was addicted to Japanese sport bikes until he put this '56 Harley KH together; Dean from DicE has had some cool bikes in his time – and this Knuck chopper might look familiar; You don't see many Harley JEs on the road, especially ones built as race bikes – Andreas tells us about his '25; Vincent Summers talks about his latest build, a sand-draggin' '40 Harley UL; Jeff Twa's Shovel was originally built by Max Schaaf but it's been through a lot since then; Imagine riding a genuine XR-750 race bike on the street – Gary Eastman tells us what it's like trying to tame the beast.